If you’re desperate to disconnect from your phone, then you have to book this staycation

It’s the escape I've been looking for.
Image may contain Indoors Interior Design Hardwood Stained Wood Wood Lamp Bed Furniture Wood Panels and Bedroom

When was the last time you had no phone signal whatsoever (apart from on the underground)? Or the last time you lay on your bed just staring into space for more than five minutes without reaching for your phone? And the last time you didn’t tell yourself off because you should be making better use of your time after spending 2 hours on TikTok? (stop punishing yourself here FYI; we all do it.)

We live in a world where we are constantly connected 24/7, and I don't know about you but I’m knackered, and I feel like we’ve completely forgotten how to really disconnect and think and be bored (god forbid).

I love my life in London and there is never a dull weekend to be had. But there comes a point when you need to realise, if you’re struggling to catch up with a friend 12 weekends in advance because you’re so damn busy, then it’s time to take a break; in the form of a staycation in a remote cabin. In the middle of a forest. With no phone signal. 😶

I know it sounds pretty scary, and I can’t lie, I was a little worried at first (there is help nearby if you ever need it), but the feeling you get when you park up, pop your bags in the wheelbarrow, listen to the silence, and walk around the corner to find your own cabin of isolation, you just feel instantly relaxed. No thinking required, and no pressure whatsoever. And there is no signal inside the cabin. I repeat, no signal and no notifications or guilt of feeling like you need to be online and reply! The cabin was only an hour and a half's drive from London, and with a study revealing that those who spend at least 2hrs in nature throughout the week report consistently higher levels of health and well-being compared to those who don’t, we knew it was a no brainer to start visiting an Unyoked cabin on the regular.

We visited in the winter (-2°C), so we needed to start a fire immediately (make sure you follow the instructions in your field guide). We struggled at first to start the fire, but when you do and the cabin starts to warm up, there is an immense amount of pleasure from such a simple task. You also need to plan your meals for the few days that you are away, which is a big positive as it just takes away the stress of thinking about what you’re going to eat (if you’re with a partner, don’t tell them the menu; it’s a thoughtful surprise and it will make the weekend). Also don't forget to pack a bottle of something nice (top tip: champagne 🥂).

We were in the South Downs National Park (there are plenty of other cabin locations across the UK and even in Australia), so what better way to spend your time than to go for a nice long hike. We took the longest hike mentioned in the field guide, which was just over 8 miles and took us under 4 hours. I know this sounds like a lot, but with the promise of a packed lunch I made in the morning (forgot to pack the Mini Babybel though…) and a tinny halfway through, it was a rewarding experience that gave you time to reflect.

Once we came back just before dark, we lit up the pizza oven, got creative with our toppings, played Monopoly, and popped open the champagne! I mean, it doesn’t get much better than this, and yet this was something so simple. And best of all, no buzzing of the phone.

We allowed ourselves time to sit and think. I read my book for more than 30 minutes. I laid on the bed and tried to find the constellations. I chatted with my partner openly and honestly. Not only did I connect with him more, but I connected with myself a lot more than I thought I would have. I found inner peace in this beautiful cabin and I just wish it was for a few more days.

Alas, it was back to the city, but the feeling of being calm and content did linger and I did revisit some old habits of disconnecting that I'd forgotten about. If only there were more places to go that have no phone signal. Guess the London Underground will have to do…

unyoked.co Prices start from £154 per night