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Self Esteem | Beauty Memo

As part of GLAMOUR's Beauty of Pride Beauty Memo video series this June – where each week a LGBTQIA+ female celebrity talks how beauty and make up has informed and helped shape their journey to who they are today – we sat down with Self Esteem, who opened up about everything from the importance of not living up to others' expectations and beauty standards to the how empowering it is to not view beauty products as an essential for feeling good in her own skin.

Released on 06/13/2024


It's just about doing what I want unapologetically.

There can be so many rules in queerness that is

so the opposite of the point.

I'm prideful about doing whatever I want whenever I want to.

I just will let myself get older

and accept that as soon as you're born,

that's the only certain thing.

So it's a bit mad that we spend all our money and time

and energy trying to not do the thing

that's definitely gonna happen.

It's a slow clap to my death.

Currently my psoriasis steroid cream,

'cause I'm having a terrible outbreak of guttate.

When I play live,

me and the girls in my band so worried about sweating

and sweating our makeup off.

And so in the last tour I sort of said

that's the goal of the gig.

Like the goal is to look as horrible as possible

by the end.

The '90s into the '00s was a difficult

time for everyone, especially women, I think.

I can't live the rest of my life

that stressed out about standards and living up to them

and what other the people look like

and what I feel like I should.

Don't get me wrong, I constantly think about it.

Not comparing yourself to other people

and not being bothered what people are thinking.

Like that really helps my mental health.

Eating well and exercising

and going to bed early really works.

It's so annoying, but it does.

I didn't really have many eyebrows

and then I started castor-oiling

and now I've got a lot of eyebrow.

I bleached my brows. It was for a telly show I was on.

You don't look good. [laughs]

The most successful people I've met in my life

have always smelled so good.

And so I started to care about perfume in a manifesting way.

I feel like if you smell good, then the money comes.

I love an oudy, musky, leathery, you know, all that.