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Nicola Adams | Beauty Memo

Nicola Adams Beauty Memo

Released on 06/05/2024


Pride, to me,

is being able to be yourself, enjoy yourself

and being able to live in the moment.

I always have to meditate.

Shaved my head bald for charity.

The one product that I would save

is my pHformula face cream.

The best beauty hack I've learned

is actually something really simple and straightforward

that everybody can do is drinking water.

You should drink it. It makes your skin glow.

It does wonder for you. Drink water.

I actually don't have a beauty disaster.

I'm quite chill, so it is what it is.

If it goes wrong, oh well.


My fragrance personality is Tom Ford Ombre Leather.

I like the musky, deep smell that it has. It's awesome.

My thing will be trends.

Trends come and go and it's always better

to just be yourself.

Don't let anything hold you back.

There's gonna be a lot of people that are gonna tell you,

No, you can't do this.

You can't do that.

Don't listen to them and I also have a quote for you,

'Tell me I can't and that's why I will.