Mercury retrograde 2024's shadow period has arrived – here's how it will affect you

Enter, Mercury retroshade.
Image may contain Nature Night Outdoors Sphere Astronomy Moon Outer Space and Planet

Mercury retrograde has long been thought to spark a period of flux and general chaos, with the astrological phenomenon considered by many to affect everything from your mood to your actions.

From falling out with friends to feeling generally off, Mercury retrograde refers to the very particular type of mayhem that occurs during certain periods of the year when the planet is in retrograde.

While 2023 served up three of these periods, 2024 will see us treated to Mercury retrograde a delightful four times. And if you've made it this far then well done but don't relax just yet, because we're not past our final retrograde of the year until December.

Until then, we have Mercury retrograde's shadow period (AKA Mercury retroshade) to enjoy, with this set to conclude as of 11 September.

But what even is the phenomenon and can it actually impact our everyday life? Here's everything you need to know about what it is and how the post-retrograde shadow will affect you.

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What does Mercury retrograde mean?

Mercury retrograde refers to the period of time where Mercury moves slower than the Earth around the sun.

Mercury, being the planet closest to the sun, typically takes 88 days to orbit, versus the Earth's 365 days, so when it does go slower Mercury's relative position to Earth and our line of sight to it shifts.

When it does go slower this creates an optical illusion that it's moving back, with the planet lapping Earth on the inside before passing behind the sun and seemingly (from our POV) turning around in the sky.

While it looks like it's stopped travelling from east to west, at no point does Mercury actually start going backwards.

Within astrology, Mercury is considered the planet of communication, so it's thought that when it goes into retrograde we can expect a whole range of mishaps, miscommunications and misunderstandings across communication, news, travel and technology.

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Pre and post-retrograde shadow periods

(AKA Mercury retroshade)

But the fun doesn't stop with Mercury retrograde!

Prior to the phenomenon is what's known as a pre-retrograde shadow period, with a post-retrograde shadow likewise following its conclusion.

Occurring in the two weeks before and after a retrograde begins and concludes, these shadow periods, otherwise known as Mercury retroshade, see the planet slows down as it prepares to enter retrograde and speed up as it leaves its backward motion behind.

We're currently in our third Mercury retroshade of the year, running until 11 September.

These periods are an apt time to look back on recent issues with a clearer mind and seize the chance to focus on yourself.

See this as an opportunity to take stock, be patient and set yourself up for the rest of the year and by the time post-retrograde shadows ends you could be in a much better place.

When is Mercury in retrograde in 2024?

We'll be getting four servings of Mercury retrograde in 2024, with our third of the year having come and gone.

13 December to 1 January 2024: What a way to enter the new year! Technically, this counts as just one day's retrograde given that it started in 2023, and concluded at the very beginning of 2024.

1 April to 24 April: Mercury will go into retrograde of the Aries sign, with this being an apt time to carefully consider your actions before making any major decisions to avoid running into issues down the line. Pre-retrograde shadow starts a way before on 18 March, with the post-retrograde shadow period finally ending by 13 May.

4 August to 27 August: August will see Mercury in retrograde under the earth sign Virgo, with it shifting into fire sign Leo after 14 August. This is a period to be particularly conscious of your romantic relationships and doing all you can to prevent any misunderstandings. While its pre-retrograde shadow begins on 16 July, it leaves on 11 September.

Next up:

25 November to 15 December: The last retrograde of 2024 will be under Sagittarius again. With it falling over the holiday period, it's an important time to double check plans, allow extra time for travel and do all you can to avoid unnecessary falling outs. Pre-retrograde shadow begins on 7 November and Mercury leaves its shadow by 2 January.


What to expect when Mercury retrograde is in Virgo and Leo (4 - 27 August)

August 2024's Mercury retrograde starts under the earth sign Virgo before moving into fire sign Leo. While each retrograde affects all star signs, it's the one which it falls under that sees the deepest effects, so Virgos and Leos beware!


We're sorry Virgos, but you're going to have to set aside your notorious tendency to be a perfectionist over Mercury retrograde or you might just implode. Our advice? Ride the wave as best you can and try to take it in your stride if you find messes cropping up in your life, from a project at work falling through to butting heads with friends.

Given that this retrograde falls under your sign, it's likely you'll find yourself feeling more self conscious than ever, so be sure to regularly check in and centre yourself.

With this Mercury retrograde's pre-shadow period focusing on your psychological wellbeing and intuition, stay true to yourself as best you can and don't be afraid to reflect on what changes you might need to make to have you feeling your best.


When August's retrograde moves into Leo we'll see this star sign's signature confidence only bolden. But be wary! While being assertive is no bad thing, during Mercury retrograde this can manifest itself by us communicating in ways we wouldn't usually…something that can quickly lead to misunderstandings.

Though you might feel like now is finally the right time to broach that awkward conversation you've been putting off, make sure you take a minute to evaluate how you might be coming across. To avoid things being taken the wrong way, carefully consider your words and do what you can to avoid getting caught up with gossip that won't serve you.

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How does Mercury retrograde affect us?

If you've ever wondered why people seemingly freak out when Mercury retrograde happens, it's because Mercury is the planet that influences communication, with it generally thought that the retrograde motion signifies negative undertones for the astrological world.

This can lead to everything from emails getting lost to travel disruptions, with astrologers also believing that it can result in:

  • Shifts in friendships or falling outs
  • Miscommunications and general misunderstandings
  • Brain fog, anxiety and headaches
  • Uncertainty around work and personal projects

Lovely, huh?

Tell-tale signs Mercury retrograde is affecting your relationships

According to a survey by Flirtini, a shocking 71% of people believe the retrograde has a negative impact on their relationships, while a further 46% said their loved ones act unusually during the astrological phenomenon.

Some of the most common issues reported include communication struggles, fights and arguments. And get ready for another wild statistic: apparently, 1 in 4 people have been dumped because of a retrograde.

But can a retrograde really have a tangible impact on your relationship?

Well, according to Flirtini's dating expert Anastasiya Pochotna, while there's no scientific evidence that Mercury's movements have an impact on love life, "research shows that, for many, the phenomenon is real.”

Edward Berthelot

One of the potential factors behind this is that we're simply overthinking things more than we usually would during the phenomenon.

“Those who believe in it are likely to be experiencing heightened stress and anxiety as they worry their relationship is about to come crashing down,” she says. “If their partner doesn’t show understanding, it’s highly likely that the astrological event will lead to fights. So, even if astrology isn’t your thing, it’s best to be tolerant and mindful until Mercury (and your partner) are feeling themselves again.”

“Those who believe in it are likely to be experiencing heightened stress and anxiety as they worry their relationship is about to come crashing down.”

Likewise, astrologers believe that Mercury retrograde can have a very real impact on our mood, with some believing it to some believe it can even lead to brain fog and stress.

“During these periods, we’re prone to saying the wrong words and taking things the wrong way,” says Pochotna. “A simple misunderstanding leads to a full-blown argument, and it starts to feel like our love life is spinning out of control. Even experts who don’t believe in astrology recognise the phenomenon — but they attribute it to heightened feelings of stress and anxiety simply because we’re waiting for something bad to happen.”

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What to do when Mercury is in retrograde

Mercury retrograde affects everyone differently, and there are ways to make navigating this uncertain time a little easier. Here's what you can do to set yourself up for Mercury retrograde this year:

Above all, don't panic — embrace the shift

It's important to remember that potential impacts of Mercury retrograde are ultimately theoretical. So even if it does feel like things might be out of their usual rhythm, don't neglect to acknowledge that this could be due to you being more conscious of potential changes and so paying more mind to these.

Stressing over potential issues ultimately won't change anything so try and roll with the punches as best you can and avoid dramatising. Remaining calm will not only help with your general outlook but will also ensure that you're in a far better position to navigate any unexpected changes during this time.

Refine your communication

Given that the planet Mercury rules communications in every form, whether it be writing or speaking, make an effort to pay greater mind to what this encompasses, from things like negotiations and work dealings to travel plans and messaging.

Simple things like reviewing your emails to ensure there's no room for misunderstandings or allowing yourself extra time to look over any new contracts will make all the difference, so bear this in mind and make allowances if people seem to be shorter than usual or are misconstruing your words.

Speak carefully, actively listen and do your best to be as empathetic as possible with whoever you're dealing with. If you're running into issues by messaging via text or email, consider switching your communication to be face-to-face – this will allow less room for misunderstandings to crop up.

Thanumporn Thongkongkaew
Hold off on any major chats

As above, Mercury retrograde is ripe for misunderstandings, so consider pressing pause on any major conversations that will have a long-term impact on you.

Wherever possible it's best to save big chats for when Mercury is back to normal as it will likely save you some trouble down the line.

Try and be as flexible as possible

Where you're able to, give yourself some leeway for things to not go as planned. If you're getting a train at a particular time then consider giving yourself ten extra minutes, if you're unsure of a new contract or agreement, be conscious of that and take the time to check in with yourself before making any decisions.

While you can't put your life on hold altogether, it's wise to have backup plans and make allowances for any misunderstandings.

Review where you're investing energy

While Mercury retrograde is an easy scapegoat for general chaos in day-to-day life, it also makes for an apt time to look back and reflect on what you invest your time and energy and into.

Perhaps you've found yourself caught up with work which has meant less family time, or equally you might be neglecting to give yourself the space to get stuck into a favourite hobby. Balance is important at all times, not just during Mercury retrograde, so it's a good point to take stock and review if you're content with your current balance.

Mark your calendars now so you don’t get any unwelcome surprises down the road. Godspeed.