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Nicola Coughlan & Lydia West play GLAMOUR's Bestie Test

Nicola Coughlan and Lydia West explore mental health and female friendships through comedy in new series Big Mood. So of course we had to put them through GLAMOUR’s #BestieTest to see how strong their friendship really is. Big Mood out now on Channel 4.

Released on 04/04/2024


Leonardo DiCaprio.

In a wig?

In a wig. [laughs] [Nicola laughs]

Hi, I'm Lydia West.

And I am Nicola Coughlan.

[Both] And this is Glamour's Bestie Test.

[Nicola] At the BAFTAs.

We met at the BAFTAs a few years ago.

And it was an instant, Oh, she's really lovely.

And I thought you were so sweet.

You had like, very lovely energy.


What's my biggest dating or relationship ick?

I feel like you would hate someone that's pretentious,

like someone that wouldn't watch reality TV with you

and takes themselves like, really seriously

and is like, vain.

[Nicola] Completely. Yeah?

Yeah. Yeah.

What Love Actually character

would I go to a fancy dress party dressed up?

You? Yeah.

Nicola Coughlan? Yeah.

[Lydia] I think you'd go as one of the engaged girlies.

[laughs] One of the sexy-

They were dressed as the sexy American girls.

Yeah. I think what Maggie went as didn't do you justice.

I mean, I've potentially never looked worse

in my entire human life on this earth. [laughs]

You know, what's that line of Sex and the City like,

you know, Take a brown paper bag and put a stapler in it

and cover it in dog shit?

That's sort of what I felt like on that day, I was like-

You were such a good sport.

I think if I had to dress up as a character,

I think I dress up as, you know, one of the children,

like, I hate uncle blah-blah-blah-blah-blah!

But I don't think they wear anything fun.

What would be my top alcoholic or soft drink of choice?

[Lydia] You love a diet coke. Mm-hmm.

An alcoholic drink?

You like a champagne, don't you?

Mm-hmm. Yeah?

And a marg.

Oh, I love a marg. Yeah.

Marg is my go-to. Yeah.

Yeah, I love a marg.

What would be my dream date?

I think you are naturally-

You like, you're very giving. Aww.

So I think your dream date would be actually

you serving something, inviting someone to your house,

serving them dinner.

Yeah. But I need to not, like, that is what I would do-

And that's what actually-

It's just terrible. You need to not do.

No, I think it's a beautiful trait, too.


And the right person who appreciates that...

Aww. [laughs]

Will love that and be so, so flattered by it.

And also, then they can do the same for you.

I think they cook you a delicious Irish meal.

[both laugh] Bacon and cabbage.

And you bring the soda bread. [both laugh]

You'd watch like, one of your favorite movies

and then you would laugh and then you'd kiss

and then they'd tell you they loved you-

Aw, Lydia! And they've loved you

ever since they first met you a few hours ago.

[both laugh]

Well I don't eat pork so the bacon and cabbage was-

[both laugh]

But the, I love you ever since I met you a few hours ago,

That was lovely.

What would be my dream birthday party?

I know what you did for your 30th.

I feel like going away with all your friends somewhere.


And like sitting together and having meals

and just chilling out in the sunshine.


But is that like, unfair because I do know what you did

and I couldn't go and I was gutted.

Yeah, I know.

Next one. Next year.


What is your favorite moment of mine

from the Big Mood set and why?

I would say it would be the Love Actually party

when we forced the...

The brother costume?

The brother costume on you and the wig

with Eamon and myself and you were just kind of struggling

and it was just-

You were just such a good sport that day.

Give an example of my best and worst habits

from our time on set.

I feel like you have really good vibes

in a really authentic way.

Like, you're not someone that's like,

Hey everyone, how's it going?

Like, but you're very authentically a kind and sweet person.

I feel like the worst habits is the one that we share

in that once we're done with the scene

we're like, I just don't wanna do it.

Ugh, so bored.

And we'll say it like, I just don't wanna do it anymore.

I'm tired.

What is my biggest pet peeve?

When people are mean. Yeah.

Without any just-

Well people should never be mean,

I just don't think, anyway. Yeah.

[Lydia] Because I'm not actively mean. No.

Like I could have a disagreement with someone,

[Lydia] but I'll never just out- You're never mean.

I would never outright be like, Meh.

Some people do it to me, I'm so affronted by it.

I'm like- Exactly.

What do you mean? Why are you doing this?

I think because you're so kind,

if people treat you with disrespect

or you see that happen in front of you,

I think you're just so affected by it

because you can't imagine ever being that and-

I'm just a sensitive Sally.

Yeah, but it's beautiful.

What's my biggest fear?

Your biggest fear?

Death. [laughs]

I have an irrational fear of death.

I'm actually not afraid of death, no.

That's very metal of you. [both laugh]

I fuckin' love death, man!

I love death! [laughs]

I don't know. What's your biggest fear?

I'd say I have a fear of heights. It's just basic.

Me too. I hate them.

[Nicola gags]

I was in Sydney and they were like,

Do you wanna walk across the Harbour bridge?

I was like, I do not.

Who would play me in my biopic and why?

Who is a great blonde actor? [both laugh]

Leonardo DiCaprio. In a wig?

In a wig. [laughs] Yeah.

Because he has beautiful blue eyes.


You have stunning blue eyes.

Thank you.

He has blonde hair, he's hot.


He's good to the environment.

Who played Weird Barbie?

[Lydia] Kate McKinnon. She's incredible.

Oh, yeah! Can I have Kate McKinnon?

I think Kate McKinnon would be incredible

as an older version of you.

I one time got a text from her

and it was like the best moment of my life.

She's amazing.

My friend texted me and was like,

Kate McKinnon wants your number.

I was like, What!?

[gasps] She's incredible. I love her so much.

Such a good actress.

Oh, she's the best. Yeah.

What moment do you think we made the jump

from colleagues to friends?

Oh, it was pretty quick, I feel like.

I feel like I never saw you as a colleague.

No, not really.

Sorry I'm answering you question.

But also I think that we have the same-

Like, I had like, a vulnerable conversation with you

and I was like, I wanna start every job

and I really always wanna make like,

really close friends and you don't always.

And when you don't, it makes me sad.

And you were like, No, we'll be friends.


I obviously like, needed that like, reassurance

and it just made me feel like,

safe and comfy. Aww.

So like that moment. Oh, my God.

I actually probably felt it before that,

but that was like a distinct moment that I felt that.